Penn Transit Winter Break Hours Between 6 PM on 12/24/24 through 3 AM on 1/2/25, service will be limited to on-demand safety shuttles and accessible transit in the evening hours only. To request service during this period, use the PennTransit Mobile app or call 215-898-RIDE (7433).    

Car entering a garage

Penn Parking Offers New Permit Options

We are pleased to introduce new options that offer increased flexibility in response to feedback from the Penn community. 

Parking Permits are a parking option which offers a reserved parking space, requires annual enrollment, is billed monthly via pre-tax payroll deduction (for eligible employees), and with policies that govern cancelation and suspension. Permits are available in two scheduling options:

  1. Every Day Permits (formerly called “Campus Daily”) and allow unlimited access to the assigned parking location.
  2. 12 Days Per Calendar Month Permit (new for FY2025) that allows parking any 12 days of the month at an assigned parking location.

Employees can renew their permit via the Park@Penn portal May 27, 2024 through June 21, 2024. Any permits that are not renewed will automatically renew to the existing permit.