Occasional Parking
Under the “Pay as You Go” Occasional Parking Program, employees who require occasional parking will receive a $3 discount on Penn’s public parking rates. (Public Parking Rates for FY25 are $22 a day). Different than the permit options, parking under this program is subject to daily availability (rather than guaranteed) and payments are made on a post-tax basis. Pre-registration and designation of a preferred payment method is necessary to participate. Payroll deduction is not allowed with this option.
How to Use the Program
Register for the Occasional Parking Program
In order to receive the $3 discount, participants must register via the Park@Penn portal.
Garage Access
If you are a Penn employee, once you are registered, your PennCard will automatically be updated to provide you access to the eligible garages on a space available basis.
HUP employees will need to have a Parking Services Access Card which can be picked up at the Parking office in the Penn Bookstore, 3601 Walnut Street, between 8:30 AM and 5 PM.
Choosing Where to Park
Drive up to the Walnut 38, Walnut 40, or Chestnut 34 and, if the “Public Parking” sign is illuminated, use your PennCard or Parking Services Access Card to enter. No advanced notice is required.
At your parking session's end, the $19 per day fee is charged to your preferred payment method.

Tired of Driving?
The University’s wide array of sustainable and discounted commuter options is designed to accommodate a variety of commuting needs and patterns.