Getting to, From & Around Campus
Learn More About Penn TransitCome Along for a Ride on Penn Transit
Want a quick and easy overview of Penn Transit's bus and shuttle services? Watch our contestants play Ride the Route and learn what option is best for your ride.
Transit Live Maps
Our interactive map displays our bus routes, transit stop locations and provides other useful information to help you plan your trip.

Penn Bus
Penn's three fixed-route buses (East, West & North) are a convenient, safe and free way to go to and from campus and the surrounding neighborhoods.

Penn Shuttles
Penn's evening shuttle service provides transportation free of charge to and from campus pick-up locations to any address within the service boundaries. Specialty shuttles like Pennovation Works, FMC and AM medical offer service to meet specific transit needs.

Accessible Transit
Penn Accessible Transit (PAT) is a service of Penn Transit, which provides transportation within service boundaries for persons with disabilities.
Loop through University City (LUCY®)
LUCY is operated by SEPTA and makes multiple stops between Penn’s Campus and 30th Street Station, Monday - Friday, excluding major holidays, from 6:10 a.m. to 7 p.m. LUCY is free of charge to PennCard holders.

Penn Walking Escorts
Through the Division of Public Safety’s (DPS) Walking Escort Services, uniformed Allied Universal Public Safety Officers provide free walking escorts to everyone, regardless of affiliation, to any destination within the DPS patrol zone.
Cyclists’ Resources
Together with our University partners (The Division of Public Safety, Facilities and Real Estate Services and, Penn Wellness) dozens of programs or service enhancements have been implemented that are designed to make bike commuting, safer, easier, and more affordable.

Car Sharing an Earth Friendly Alternative
Car-sharing is an alternative to the costs and responsibilities of personally owning or renting a car. It is also more flexible than public transportation. Penn has a relationship with ZipCar for use by Penn Community members.
Penn-Drexel Bus Share
Drexel University provides transportation across its three campuses - University City Campus, Center City Campus, and the Queen Lane Campus. Penn faculty, staff, and students are permitted unlimited use of the Drexel Bus service at no charge with a valid PennCard. (Drexel shuttle van services are not available to members of the Penn Community.)