Penn Parking Policies

The University of Pennsylvania operates several parking facilities on its Philadelphia campus for its community through the Parking & Commuter Services office. In addition, the office maintains formal relationships with local garages for which it then licenses parking spaces out to University community members. 

Employees may purchase a permit to park in the University’s parking facilities by logging into the Park@Penn portal with their PennKey credentials. Visitors, students, and employees may access designated facilities on a space-available basis using the payment options presented in the facility.

Below are the terms and policies that apply to individuals who utilize Penn’s parking facilities.

Permit Holders

Parking Permits are a parking option that offers a reserved parking space, requires annual enrollment, is billed via pre-tax payroll deduction (for eligible employees), and with policies that govern cancelation and suspension.  

  1. To request parking, the customer must meet certain conditions and submit a request via the Park@Penn portal.

  2. The customer agrees to park where assigned and to display the parking permit as designated inside their vehicle, if applicable. 

  3. All parking credentials issued by Penn Parking & Commuter Services remain the sole property of The University of Pennsylvania and must be returned to the Parking and Commuter Services Office when expired. Credentials not returned will be noted and no future permit will be issued.

  4. There is no charge for your initial parking credentials (Parking Access Card, Hang Tag, and/or transponders). Lost parking credentials will be replaced for $120 each. Because your parking credential provides access to parking facilities, it is important to notify Parking Services of lost or stolen credentials immediately. 

  5. Credentials may not be shared or sold to other individuals. In locations that accept multiple credentials (i.e. Hang tag and PennCard), an entrance must be followed by an exit, else the account is locked as potential fraud. Do not pass credentials back to other cars. Do not allow your assigned credential to allow entrance for another parker.

  6. All parking permits are designed to provide parking during an employee’s regular working hours. For overnight and car storage parking options, contact Parking Services. Expired permits are never valid.

  7. When entering or exiting a garage Permits must be displayed prominently upon entry, exit, and when parked in the garage. 

  8. Parking is a privilege that can be revoked at any time without notice, including, but not limited to, failure to pay applicable fees, intentional damage to University property, or failure to comply with policies outlined in this document.

  9. Participating in a parking permit or other parking program precludes the employee’s eligibility from concurrent participation in certain other commuter offerings (i.e., an employee would not be eligible to participate in both the Commuter Benefits program while also enrolled in the Bike Commuter Expense Reimbursement Program or a Penn Parking Permit or parking program at the same time.) Other policies may apply.

Parking Assignment

Penn Parking and Commuters Services is dedicated to customer service and works to place current permit holders and new customers in their desired lot as quickly and fairly as possible. Upon registering for parking, the customer will indicate their preferred parking lot assignment. 

The ability to reserve a specific parking space is not available.Parking lot assignments are awarded in two categories of priority:

  • First Priority:  Current customers who desire a lot location change. These customers must complete a Lot Preference Change Form via the Park@Penn portal. These requests are assigned in the order received. If spaces are available, customers will receive an immediate location change. If none are available, the request is placed in the queue for the facility requested and then served in the order received.
  • Second Priority: New customers. These lot assignments will be assigned after the First Priorities. New assignments are only available where facility openings exist on a first come first serve basis.

The customer may request a change to their parking lot assignment by contacting Parking and Commuter Services will grant parking lot assignment changes as space becomes available and in the order of preferences outlined in these policies. Parking and Commuter Services will notify the customer of lot assignment changes and the customer must acknowledge within the response period provided. Failure to respond will result in forfeiture of the assignment offer and removal from the waiting list, if applicable. The notice period is typically 3-5 business days.

Permit Information

Parking permits require an annual renewal, giving permit-holders a regular opportunity to review their parking profile and optional selections. The renewal period is open within the Park@Penn portal from mid-May to mid-June; details are announced annually by April 15. Permits not renewed by the posted deadline will automatically renew to the existing permit. 

Permit changes are only allowed during the annual renewal period unless the permit holder experiences a change in their employment. All changes must be approved by Parking Services.  Requests to change parking locations without modifying the parking permit type, can occur anytime via Park@Penn portal and based on space availability. 

  • University or UPHS employees who go on an approved leave of absence or sabbatical must notify Parking Services via email to temporarily suspend their payroll deduction. Parking Services will not refund parking fees during the leave period or after a Leave or Sabbatical is completed if there was no notice given.
  • Due to the high demand for parking and to maximize all available space, Parking Services will not hold parking assignments during a leave of absence or sabbatical for more than 90 days. In the event a parking space is released, the employee will be guaranteed a parking space in a location with space availability. If applicable, the employee may be placed on a Wait List for their pre-leave parking assignment.
  • The employee must provide Parking Services with a minimum of 72 hours notice of their return date.
  • Employees on short-term leave who become temporarily ineligible for payroll deduction during their leave but who wish to continue their parking privileges may make non-payroll deduction payment arrangements. Please contact Parking Services for additional information prior to the leave period starting.

Permit holders will pay for parking permits through automatic payroll deductions. If a permit is purchased on the first day of a pay period, it is billed at 100%. After the first day, the charge is 7.14% of the bi-weekly rate for each remaining day in the pay period.

Permits purchased from the eighth to the fourteenth day have deductions applied to the next payroll. Any amount exceeding IRS pre-tax guidelines in the next payroll is charged post-tax. After this period, permits are charged at the regular rate every two weeks until canceled.

For cancellations during the pay period, charges are 7.14% for each day the permit is retained. These charges appear in the payroll deduction of the cancellation period.

Payroll Information

Permit Holders will pay for their parking permits through automatic payroll deductions. The cost of the permit depends on when it is purchased:

  • Permits bought in the first week are billed at 100% of the cost.
  • Those bought in the second week are billed at 75%.
  • Permits bought in the third and fourth weeks are billed at 50% and 25%, respectively.

Deductions for permits bought in the first and second weeks happen in the same month. For permits bought in the third and fourth weeks, the cost is applied in the following month's payroll.

If the last two weeks' billing exceeds the IRS pre-tax guidelines, the excess amount will be charged in post-tax dollars. After an initial period, permits are charged at the regular rate at the end of each month until canceled.

Cancellation charges depend on when the permit is canceled:

  • 25% if canceled in the first week.
  • 50% if canceled in the second week.
  • Full rate if canceled in the third and fourth weeks.

Cancellation charges reflect in the payroll deduction at the end of the month when the permit is canceled.

Permit holders will pay for parking permits through automatic payroll deductions. If a permit is bought on the first day of a pay period, it is billed at 100%. For each day after the first, the charge is 14.29% of the weekly rate for each remaining day in the pay period.

Permits purchased from Wednesday to Sunday in a pay period have deductions applied to the next payroll. Any amount exceeding IRS pre-tax guidelines in the next payroll is charged post-tax. After an initial period, permits are charged at the regular rate weekly until canceled.

For cancellations during the pay period, charges are 14.29% for each day the permit is retained. These charges appear in the payroll deduction of the cancellation period.

Permit holders will pay for parking permits through automatic payroll deductions. If a permit is purchased on the first day of a pay period, it is billed at 100%. After the first day, the charge is 7.14% of the bi-weekly rate for each remaining day in the pay period.

Permits purchased from the eighth to the fourteenth day have deductions applied to the next payroll. Any amount exceeding IRS pre-tax guidelines in the next payroll is charged post-tax. After this period, permits are charged at the regular rate every two weeks until canceled.

For cancellations during the pay period, charges are 7.14% for each day the permit is retained. These charges appear in the payroll deduction of the cancellation period.

Program Details

Options designed for the hybrid workforce, including the 12 Parks per month permit and the Occasional  Parking Program have policies which governs their usage.

12 parks per month permits allows the permit holder to park 12 times per calendar month at the assigned parking location. 

As with all parking permits, annual enrollment is required. All 12 days must be used in the specified month and do not carry over to subsequent months. The 12-Pack permit is only available at select parking locations as outlined in the parking registration page. At the conclusion of the 12 parks, the permit holder is not able to scan into the location again and should take an entrance ticket to pay posted daily rates. Periodic reminder emails and/or texts will be sent to remind the permit holder of how many parks are available for the month; this information is also available anytime in the Park@Penn portal

The Occasional Parking Program is a Pay-As-You-Go option and available at Walnut 38, Chestnut 34, and Walnut 40 garages only. The program offers a discount over public posted rates and parking is subject to daily availability (rather than guaranteed). All charges are conveniently charge to your credit card on file. Pre-registration is required to be set-up for this program, and payroll deduction is not available.

In the event that the preferred payment method fails, Parking Services will complete a one-time payroll deduction for the failed payment amount. Further, the Occasional Parking Program will be suspended until a valid payment method is updated in the Park@Penn portal. In the event of a second failed payment within a 12-month period, the parker becomes ineligible for the program.

General Rules and Regulations

Penn Parking is committed to keeping the approximately 5,000 parking spaces we oversee, safe, clean and efficient. Individuals who use our garages and lots can assist in this effort by following the policies outlined below.

All persons utilizing The University of Pennsylvania parking facilities may be required to show proper identification; refusal to comply may result in non-admittance.

The University of Pennsylvania does not guarantee the security or safety of parking customers or their property in or about the parking facility. Any concerns related to security or safety should be reported to the Department of Public Safety.

Parking on university facilities is at the vehicle owner's sole risk, cost and expense. The University of Pennsylvania and any parking facility owner are not responsible for any damage to any person or property in connection with the use of parking facilities, including, without limitation, fire, theft of or vandalism to the vehicle or contents contained therein.

  • Always park between lines. Vehicles parked over lines are subject to citation.
  • Park in a manner that does not allow your vehicle to obstruct drive lanes.
  • Adhere to all posted signs. Only compact cars may park in “Compact only” marked spaces. 

Parking lots and most parking garage are regulated by Penn Parking Services and monitored by campus patrol. 

Penn Parking has the authority to issue parking violation notices and order vehicles in violation to be immobilized (booted) or towed from campus. Vehicles that fail to present a parking permit or provide proper parking fees are subject to violation enforcement actions.

Penn Parking reserves the right to forward unpaid citations to third-party collection agencies at anytime and without notice to the customer.

Citations issued by Parking and Commuter Services may be paid online using instructions available at within 14 days to avoid additional penalty.

Vehicles parked illegally may be towed by third-party companies at any time and without notice to the customer. Towing company contact information is available in each parking lot.

Vehicles immobilized  by Penn Parking Services require that all applicable fines are paid before the immobilization device is removed. Immobilized vehicles left on campus for more than three consecutive days are subject to towing.

The immobilizer requires a $150 removal fee in addition to payment of all parking fines and penalties accrued to date for release of the offending vehicle. The person claiming the vehicle must show a registration card for the vehicle and a picture ID at the Parking Office. 

Any vehicle accumulating three or more major or minor parking violations is a scofflaw. Parking Services will initiate immobilization and/or towing of scofflaws discovered on campus.

Motorcycle and other non-automobile operators may utilize Penn parking facilities at posted costs. 

Do not park nor lock motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles to campus poles, trees, fences, railings or meters, nor be parked on grassy areas walkways, sidewalks or in buildings. Motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles in violation of these regulations may be towed, immobilized, impounded or confiscated. 

Only compact vehicles may only park in compact spaces as marked in each garage.

Electric vehicle (EV) charging is available for a fee at the Blink Charging stations in the Chestnut 34, Museum, and Walnut 38 garages. Drivers with EVs must park in one of these designated charging stations if they plan on charging their vehicle while parked. 

Electrical outlets throughout all Penn Parking facilities are not meant for EV charging or any other personal use. Plugging anything into an electrical outlet, or otherwise diverting electricity from a Penn Parking facility, is strictly prohibited. Anyone using an electrical outlet to charge a vehicle is liable to incur a parking citation, vehicle immobilization, and/or towing.